This is Dr. Nitin Chaube, a B.A.M.S. (Ayurvedic) Doctor from india. I belong to the oldest school of medicine in the world and am proud of it.
This blog brings to you interesting things that Ayurveda can achieve even on modern parameters. These are personal experiences.
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A Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) lab in Lucknow is set to release an anti-diabetes herbal drug, christened BGR-34, on Sunday, according to aTimes of India report.
This scientifically-validated drug, that costs Rs 500 for a pack of 100, is expected to be available within a fortnight, said the marketing head of Aimil Pharmaceuticals (UP and Delhi), VS Kapoor.
Experts who have developed the drug say that it powers the immunity system, and also works as an antioxidant. The product of a collaboration between two CSIR labs, BGR-34 also aids the maintenance of blood glucose levels.
According to Dr AKS Rawat, a senior principal scientist at NBRI (one of the labs), the drug features the extracts from four Ayurvedic plants. It has been tested on animals and found effective with clinical trials showing 67 per cent success.
The other day, there was a discussion regarding the use of metals in Ayurveda and Siddha. While I have written extensively about herbal formulations, I think the readers need to be made aware of the many metal preparations which are considered safe if purified properly and if a competent vaidyar prescribes it.
Western medicine is exploring the use of platinum as an anti-cancer drug. In Ayurveda and Siddha, we do use gold and diamond bhasmas for serious conditions. A Kotakkal vaidyar with whom I had a discussion said that he had not seen any side effects if the bhasma was properly prepared and prescribed by a competent doctor.
So we have vanga bhasma (tin ashes) for diabetes and tamara bhasma (copper ashes) for abdominal disorders. Since these are metal preparations, patients are very nervous about using it. Charaka has said that a medicine is not medicine if it has adverse side effects and hence these medicines can be had under the proper guidance of a vaidyar.
With herbs becoming scarce, metals could be a cheap source of effective medicines. What the authorities need to do is ensure that they are prepared strictly in accordance with the manner prescribed in the texts. Metals and other animal products can be a cheap source of effective medicines for many diseases.
Cowry shells, which are available in plenty, is used to make varatika bhasma. The method for preparation is given in Rasatarangini, a text devoted to metallic and other preparations. Varatika bhasma is used as an expectorant, sedative, digestive and appetiser. It is useful in coughs, bronchitis, phthisis and other wasting diseases. It is also useful in the treatment of irritation of the gastro-intestinal tract, abdominal colic and liver and spleen enlargement. The dose is 200-400 mg twice or thrice daily.
Now making this bhasma is quite easy and cost-effective. The government authorities need to do whatever is necessary to set people’s mind at rest about whether these preparations harm the vital organs. The liver, kidney and spleen are considered vital for one’s health and preparations, which adversely affect them, are never prescribed in Ayurveda. Perhaps, we need to publish more scholarly articles based on sound research about how bhasmas of various metals do not affect the vital organs as feared.
Varatika bhasma is prepared in the following manner. Cowry shells are washed in water, and then soaked in lime juice and then exposed to sunlight. The juice should totally submerge the shells. Shake the container every now and then so as to uniformly coat the shells with lime juice. When the liquid has dried up, take the cowry shells and add some more lime juice and grind to a fine consistency. Dry the mass and subject to calcination. Repeat the calcination till the product is of the consistency desired. Usually cowry shells are put in a crucible with lime juice and twice calcined. Calcination is done in the traditional manner using cowdung cakes. About 1,000 cowdung cakes are used for calcining about 11.5 kg of the material.
The other day when I visited Gandhigram’s production facility for Ayurveda and Siddha drugs in Chinnalampatti, I saw calcined apple snails. The lady who had been doing this for many years explained to me that live apple snails are taken and then calcined using a crucible and cowdung cakes. She was well aware of the number of cowdung cakes to be used as this had been prescribed in the texts to obtain a particular temperature. She showed me the finished product of calcined apple snails which is used in the preparation of a very effective medicine for treating piles.
We should do more research to promote production of cheap and effective medicines.
The writer is retired Additional Chief Secretary, Tamil Nadu. She can be reached at sheelarani.arogyamantra@gmail. com/arogyamantra.blogspot.com
The other day, there was a discussion regarding the use of metals in Ayurveda and Siddha. While I have written extensively about herbal formulations, I think the readers need to be made aware of the many metal preparations which are considered safe if purified properly and if a competent vaidyar prescribes it.
Western medicine is exploring the use of platinum as an anti-cancer drug. In Ayurveda and Siddha, we do use gold and diamond bhasmas for serious conditions. A Kotakkal vaidyar with whom I had a discussion said that he had not seen any side effects if the bhasma was properly prepared and prescribed by a competent doctor.
So we have vanga bhasma (tin ashes) for diabetes and tamara bhasma (copper ashes) for abdominal disorders. Since these are metal preparations, patients are very nervous about using it. Charaka has said that a medicine is not medicine if it has adverse side effects and hence these medicines can be had under the proper guidance of a vaidyar.
With herbs becoming scarce, metals could be a cheap source of effective medicines. What the authorities need to do is ensure that they are prepared strictly in accordance with the manner prescribed in the texts. Metals and other animal products can be a cheap source of effective medicines for many diseases.
Cowry shells, which are available in plenty, is used to make varatika bhasma. The method for preparation is given in Rasatarangini, a text devoted to metallic and other preparations. Varatika bhasma is used as an expectorant, sedative, digestive and appetiser. It is useful in coughs, bronchitis, phthisis and other wasting diseases. It is also useful in the treatment of irritation of the gastro-intestinal tract, abdominal colic and liver and spleen enlargement. The dose is 200-400 mg twice or thrice daily.
Now making this bhasma is quite easy and cost-effective. The government authorities need to do whatever is necessary to set people’s mind at rest about whether these preparations harm the vital organs. The liver, kidney and spleen are considered vital for one’s health and preparations, which adversely affect them, are never prescribed in Ayurveda. Perhaps, we need to publish more scholarly articles based on sound research about how bhasmas of various metals do not affect the vital organs as feared.
Varatika bhasma is prepared in the following manner. Cowry shells are washed in water, and then soaked in lime juice and then exposed to sunlight. The juice should totally submerge the shells. Shake the container every now and then so as to uniformly coat the shells with lime juice. When the liquid has dried up, take the cowry shells and add some more lime juice and grind to a fine consistency. Dry the mass and subject to calcination. Repeat the calcination till the product is of the consistency desired. Usually cowry shells are put in a crucible with lime juice and twice calcined. Calcination is done in the traditional manner using cowdung cakes. About 1,000 cowdung cakes are used for calcining about 11.5 kg of the material.
The other day when I visited Gandhigram’s production facility for Ayurveda and Siddha drugs in Chinnalampatti, I saw calcined apple snails. The lady who had been doing this for many years explained to me that live apple snails are taken and then calcined using a crucible and cowdung cakes. She was well aware of the number of cowdung cakes to be used as this had been prescribed in the texts to obtain a particular temperature. She showed me the finished product of calcined apple snails which is used in the preparation of a very effective medicine for treating piles.
We should do more research to promote production of cheap and effective medicines.
The writer is retired Additional Chief Secretary, Tamil Nadu. She can be reached at sheelarani.arogyamantra@gmail. com/arogyamantra.blogspot.com
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Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that generally appears as patches of raised red skin covered by a flaky white buildup. Although the exact cause is unknown, psoriasis is believed to be related to faulty signals sent by the body's immune system. These signals accelerate the growth cycle in skin cells, which pile up on the surface when the body can't shed them fast enough. Psoriasis is not contagious-no one can "catch" it from another person. It has a genetic component that makes certain people more likely to develop it, but often an external or environmental "trigger" is necessary to make psoriasis appear. These triggers may include emotional stress, injury to the skin, some types of infection and reaction to certain drugs.
The most common form of psoriasis is called "plaque psoriasis"-about 80 percent of people with psoriasis have this type. Plaque psoriasis can appear on any skin surface, although the knees, elbows, scalp, trunk and nails are the most common locations. There are several other types of psoriasis, and between 10 percent and 30 percent of people with psoriasis also develop a related form of arthritis, called psoriatic arthritis.
Neem and Psoriasis Neem has an almost magical effect on chronic skin conditions that fail to respond to conventional treatments. Acne, psoriasis, eczema, and ringworm are conditions that are effectively treated by a Neem preparation.
Psoriasis: In clinical studies Neem extracts and oil were found to be as effective as coal tar and cortisone in treating psoriasis. However there were none of the usual side effects accompanying the use of Neem as there was with Coal tar and cortisone. When applied to the skin, Neem extracts and oil removed the redness and itching while improving the condition of the skin for the duration of the treatment.
Some things that may help:
Avoiding spicy and processed food.
Not using perfumed soaps.
Not using harsh household chemical
cleaning products.
Avoiding stressful situations. Avoiding latex and rubber gloves.
Avoiding certain perfumes.
Avoiding soft drinks especially ones with Aspartame.
Avoiding moisturizers with strong perfumes, lanolin and alcohol.
Get to know your own body and it's reactions to various substances.
Clinical studies exist on fish oil supplements and evening primrose oil, both of which produced some good results in psoriasis
Sunlight can be a valuable treatment option for people with psoriasis. Eighty percent of the people who get regular daily doses of sunlight enjoy improvement or clearing of their psoriasis.
Managing disease and restoring health involves assessing the whole person to understand the nature of the imbalance. If you are only prescribed medication without looking at your diet or your lifestyle then the condition will only be masked over rather than tackled. Moisturizing the skin is very important.
Psoriasis of the Scalp In scalp psoriasis, areas of the skin grow much faster than normal and form red, scaling patches. Psoriasis is a problem only because it itches and can be unsightly. It is not contagious. Although it is not dangerous, scalp psoriasis can be persistent and difficult to treat.
Psoriatic Arthritis Psoriatic arthritis is a specific type of arthritis that develops in approximately 23 percent of people who have psoriasis. The disease can be difficult to diagnose, particularly in its milder forms.
Stress can trigger or aggravate psoriasis in some people. Therefore, practices that promote relaxation and stress reduction is a good idea for people with psoriasis.
The best diet is the one that makes the individual feel the best, because people with psoriasis benefit from a healthy lifestyle and eating habits, just like everybody else. Many people report that certain foods either aggravate or improve their skin.
Neem is effective on serious Dermatological conditions
Dr. H.S. Puri, a leading clinical research scientist in India made the following statement:
Neem is clinically proven to be an effective analgesic and anti-inflammatory, relieving both pain and inflammation. These qualities along with the above mentioned properties of Neem is what makes Neem so effective against serious skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, acne, dermatitis, shingles, jock itch, athletes foot, ring worm, scabies, lice, Candida, and more. Lotions and creams containing Neem oil and Neem leaf extracts are effective externally and Neem leaf extract, capsules, and teas are useful internally because they effectively detoxify the blood of impurities that are the source of skin problems.
ADVANCED PSORIASIS CARE is about managing complications associated with psoriasis including things like deformities and arthritis. Ayurveda does help reduce the advancement or slow it down. PSORIASIS ordinarily is also manageable effectively in ayurveda.