Ayurveda is often termed as a holistic science and it is an incomplete representation,
This choice of Holistic against (W)-holistic is rather a marginalization to spirituality which has drawings much different from practice of medicine.
It deals with Prakruti - environmental homeostasis between external an internal environment of the body is the principle of treatment.
This means if something is changing across the external environment it will have an impact on the human body and the way health functions.
I would like to pick one natural parameter as of now from nature or external factors and as of Charaka Samhita it is one of the factors of nature that affects many other factors like vegetation, rainfall etc and thus flora and fauna and even can impact geological variables over a scale of 100 years and more in combination with other human activities like mining and farming.
Let us look at the Temperature Plots across last 120 years -
This increase in parthiv guna (Solid Character) is also about increased capacity to hold water. These changes have been gradual and can only be observed across the wild vegetation not the genetically modified vegetation of the farm lands.
This has therefore not balanced the paittik influence on the body by external factors and rather increased the incidence of pittaja disroders.
This reflects in increasing incidence of auto-immune conditions, hyperacidity at younger age even with a balanced lifestyle and cancers. It is very difficult to comprehend but climate studies corroborate with this shift in nature of disorders.
Relevance of Charak Samhita the treatise bible of Ayurveda Medicine is pertinent and ever so relevant because it talks about such shifts and influences and hence medical influence in the light of such influences in detail.
Practice of Charak Samhita as a code of guidelines is what is relevant to Ayurveda practice and achieving the principle methodology of Ayurveda treatments.
Sad what is largely practiced is not the methodology interpreted but methodology learnt by heart and mugged up; which tends to ignore the relevant possibilities of variations to medicine and choices of medicines, since homeostasis establishment can follow rules but cannot be tight jacketed.
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