What is Anasarca –
or extreme generalized edema, is a medical condition characterized by
widespread swelling of the skin due to effusion of fluid into the extracellular
space. It is usually caused by liver failure (cirrhosis of the liver), renal
failure/disease, right-sided heart failure, as well as severe
malnutrition/protein deficiency. The increase in salt and water retention
caused by low cardiac output can also result in anasarca as a long term
maladaptive response. It can also be created from the administration of
exogenous intravenous fluid. Certain plant-derived anticancer chemotherapeutic
agents, such as docetaxel, cause anasarca through a poorly understood capillary
leak syndrome.
In Hb
Barts, the high oxygen affinity results in poor oxygen delivery to peripheral
tissues, resulting in anasarca.
Ayurvedic View on Anasarca
In case of anasarca there is not much to
say except that it is a gross kaphaja vikar which arises primarily due to an
increased parthivo jalaja distribution in the whole body. This may be due to a
drastic change in the prakruti of the individual largely.
Its primary cause
may be associated with capillary level anomalies.
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